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Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI): GenAI Workshops - Winter 2024

This guide provides an introduction to Generative Artificial Intelligence, originally created in Fall 2023 and updated in Winter 2024 by Librarian Greg Bem. Content based on Fall 2023 and Winter 2024 workshops developed by Greg Bem.

Winter 2024 GenAI Workshops - Intro

The links below will connect you with the GenAI workshops led by librarian Greg Bem in Winter 2024. The links to the PowerPoints and the recordings can be accessed below and will require logging in with your student Office 365 account.

Winter 2024 GenAI Workhop 1 - Intro to GenAI

Winter 2024 GenAI Workshop 2 - Ethics in Conversation and Practice

Winter 2024 GenAI Workshop 3 - Impacts on the Visual World