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ENGL 101 - McKenna - Sp2024- Sound

Citation tools & one-to-one help

Use any of the helpful tools on this guide, and remember that you can always get one-to-one help from: 

Owl  Helpful Hints

Play button What is citation?

Citation generators & managers

Use citation generators to automatically create citations for many types of sources and to store your citations in the cloud.

Always check the accuracy of all generated citations as they may contain inaccuracies that you'll need to correct.

(Note: We recommend the free version of these sites which is usually sufficient for most students, but advanced features are available for a fee.)

Plagiarism and how to avoid it

If you're concerned about plagiarism, there are lots of ways to get help and learn more. 

It's always OK to ask for help if you have questions about how to cite and how to avoid plagiarism. 

In addition to asking your instructor, you can also ask for help from SCC librarians and you may wish to try one of the several tutorials you librarians recommend: