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OER for Technical Math - Possible sources

In-progress listing of existing OER

JO Notes: Search terms & repositories



"technical math*"     
  "building trades" OR construction OR trades    
  CAD OR design    
  "applied math*"    



Note sent to Boyoung Chae

Aksing about other known Tech Math OER bring developed or used in SBCTC


SCC Librarians consulted: 5/7/24

... (building trades faculty) will start work on a Technical Mathematics OER next year. (His textbook is $290 from Cengage; when we  looked for equivalent content in OER a few years back, we found none that matched his need.) I'll search and start a GUIDE of existing OER for Jerry and me, but please let me know if you happen to encounter any similar OER in your daily feeds. The trick is to find a Tech Math OER which features illustrations/problems specifically about building, fabricating, and design throughout. The Tech Math OER we are finding doesn't actually use Tech examples.