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Computer Science: Research Resources


Scholarly encyclopedias and other reference sources are a great first source to use when researching a new topic.

The Library has both print and e-encyclopedias.

Databases which contain e-encyclopedias:

Example encyclopedias:


Search the library's ebooks database.

Because the field of computer technology changes rapidly, the SCC Library's most up-to-date networking, web design, software, and related topics in are not in the library's print collection, but are located in the ebook collection.

Example ebooks:

Plus O'Reilly Media

Books on some software topics are available from free from O'Reilly Media:

Books in SCC and partner libraries

Use the Library SEARCH to find SCC/SFCC books.

(Remember to also search partner libraries like GU, etc.)

Example books from the SCC Collection:

Article databases

Search the library's databases to find articles in:

  • magazines

  • newspapers

  • trade & scholarly journals

While students can borrow print periodicals, like WIRED magazine, from the Library, thousands of subscription only periodicals are full-text in research databases.

Suggested databases:

Example periodicals in SCC databases

Associates Programs Source Plus

  • Computer World
  • PC World
  • PC Magazine
  • Computer Weekly
  • Design Week
  • eWeek
  • International Journal of Advanced Computer Research
  • Health Management Technology
  • Wireless Design and Development


  • Network Computing
  • Electronic Design
  • Health Data Management

. . .  and many more!

Example article: