- Trade journals
- Filters: DATE (choose most recent 3 or 5 years)
To efficiently search library databases, use filters within the database and try search terms you think might be in the article's title, description, or full-text.
Use keywords in your searching. Select words or phrases which you predict will appear in an article title or description or full-text.
Enclose a phrase (a string of 2 or more words) in quotation marks. Example: "global warming"
Truncate (cut off) search terms using an asterisk. The asterisk works as a wildcard. The search term: recyc* will retrieve articles which contain any word starting with r-e-c-y-c, like recycle, recycled, recycling, etc.
Combine multiple search concepts using the Boolean terms: AND, OR, NOT
If you're searching for articles about sustainability or related topics, here are some search terms to try.
"clean beauty"
sustainability ecology
recycling rooftop gardens
green buying local
greening alternative fuels
green buildings waste disposal
green design electronic waste
e-waste solar power
renewable resources
renewable energy
energy conservation
energy consumption
corporate social responsibility
biodegradable materials
environmental impact
environmental protection