EBSCO eBooks works in a limited capacity with text-to-speech tools. Known limitations exist for books with copy/paste restricted by the publisher, where the text-to-speech tool requires selecting text. There are also known limitations with DRM-protected content. DRM readers such as Adobe Digital Editions may not work well with text-to-speech tools when content is downloaded. EBSCO recommends using downloaded chapters or page ranges, which are DRM-free.
Process for requesting a remediated eBook file
If you discover that an eBook file available via EBSCOhost does not include sufficient accessibility support, EBSCO can provide a DRM-free copy of the eBook to the librarian upon request. Please ask your librarian to send an email to accessibility@ebsco.com with the name of your library, title and ISBN of the eBook in question, and the targeted assistive technology.
EBSCO will return the DRM-free eBook file to the requesting librarian via email as soon as possible, within 3-5 business days of the request. If an alternate delivery method is preferred please provide EBSCO with instructions for accessing and uploading to that location.