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Accessibility Features of Library Databases

Highlighted features of frequently used databases


Accessibility features are available for a film when provided by the film's production company. Often times, features may be limited to captioning or subtitles.

For individual films, features vary and may include:

  • Closed Captioning
  • Subtitles
  • Alternative audio languages available

To turn on any of the audio and language options, click on the MENU icon located on the bottom right of the film's play window.

Screen Reader Compatibility

Google ChromeVox screen reader is recommended (because Swank operates on a Google Widevine platform). 

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Tab and Enter keys enable users to navigate the Content Catalog.
  • Specific keyboard functions may be used during movie playback.  

To view the list of shortcuts, click the Keyboard Shortcuts link on a title watch page or hold the Shift Key and /

Additional information from the Swank company

Link to SCC Library database


Screen Readers

Kanopy's website and video player works with screen reader technologies on desktop browsers, as well as iOS and Android devices.  This enables users to use the keyboard, rather than the mouse, to control the video player and the experience. Users can move from component to component in the player using the tab key. The screen reader will read the component's text aloud or announce the component name. The user can control the component using the space bar or the arrow keys. Kanopy's player allows users to tab into the player from elsewhere on the web page or browser.

Keyboard Controls

The New Gen player can be controlled from the keyboard. The tab order of controls, and keys to manipulate the controls, are as follows:

  • Big play button: Press Space or Enter to play.
  • Play button in control bar: Press Space or Enter to toggle between play and pause.
  • Progress bar: Use up or right buttons to jump forward 5 seconds, use down or left buttons to jump back 5 seconds.
  • Full screen: Press Space or Enter to toggle between full screen and not full screen.
  • Volume slider: Use up or right buttons to increase volume, use down or left buttons to decrease volume.

Captions and Styling 

Captions can be launched on any video with a CC icon by clicking play on the player, then clicking the CC button. If users are viewing on a desktop or Android device, the appearance of the captions can be changed by clicking on "Captions Settings" on the CC button menu. Users will see an overlay that allows the following caption properties to be set:

  • Foreground color and opacity
  • Background color and opacity
  • Window color and opacity
  • Font size
  • Text edge style
  • Font family

Interactive Transcript Tool

An interactive transcript can be launched by clicking on "Transcript" underneath the player. The interactive transcript can be launched simultaneously or independently of the captions. Upon launching the transcript, the matching words in the transcript are underlined or highlighted. Users can search the transcript and navigate by clicking on any word in the transcript to jump to the corresponding time-code in the video. 

Contact and Caption Availability Commitment

Kanopy is committed to providing captions for all our videos and actively works with filmmakers to provide caption files. If they are unable to do so, Kanopy is creating caption files on their behalf. If you are trying to access a video with no captions available, please email Kanopy immediately and they will make the captions available with 3-4 days. 

Additional information from the Kanopy company

Link to SCC Library database