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Assessment Log - CCS Library Services @ Spokane Community College, 2013-18

Background information and documents


online faculty survey

online faculty survey results

SCC librarians collect data through regular, annual meetings between liaison librarians and their departments or divisions. Feedback is gathered during meetings, and an online follow-up survey is sent immediately after the meeting to collect further data. [Data from the online survey is maintained by SCC IR Dept.]

Opening text for follow-up survey

Department Meeting Follow-UP Survey

Thank you for including the SCC Library in your recent department meeting. This short survey is intended as follow-up from that meeting. Your feedback is important as it will help us continually improve library services, resources, and instruction.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to respond.

Feel free to contact anyone in the library with questions you may have,

[Signed  _______________]

CCS Library Services, SCC

Reference Desk: 533-8821

Core Questions for Annual Department Meetings

  1. What do you think of current library resources, services, and/or instruction?
  2. Do you have suggestions of how the library can better serve you and your students?
  3. Do you have suggestions of how the library can improve communication with your department and its faculty?
  4. Do you have questions about library resources, services, and/or instruction?
  5. How would you rate SCC Library Services overall?
  6. ABOUT YOU: Which department are you from?
  7. Feel free to leave us your name, or you may choose to respond anonymously. (Do leave your name if you want someone from the library to follow-up with you.)

Survey tool: 2017 Spring onward: Changed from WASSAIL to Google Forms.   

Janine's questions from Spring 2017:

Library Liaison, Faculty Survey: CIS (2017-2018)

Thank you in advance for responding to our survey.  Your input will inform services, instruction, and resources led by library faculty.

- From Janine Odlevak, CCS Library Services at SCC: Instructional Services Librarian & Liaison to CIS Faculty, x7046



1. What do you think of current library services, instruction, and resources (including the library's book & periodical collections)?

2. What feedback do you have about how the library can better serve you and your students?


3. What suggestions do you have about how the library can improve communication with faculty in your department?


4. What questions do you have about library services, instruction, and/or resources? (Leave your name below if you'd like a direct answer.)

Rate us

5. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with CCS Library Services at SCC?




I don't know enough about Library Services to give a rating


We're happy to contact you

6. If you'd like a librarian to contact you, leave your name. (If you prefer to remain anonymous, answers to your above questions will be sent to your chairperson for dissemination to dept. faculty.)

Thank you!

7. Results of this survey will be anonymized and logged on the SCC Librarians ASSESSMENT LOG along with notes about any actions taken as a result of dept. faculty input.

Meetings 2018-2019

Dept./Division Date Librarian Feedback Actions Taken
Math April 2019 JO

Meeting handout

Follow-up notes

Message to fac. re: ebook collections


DSS 19 March 2019 JO

Discussion with DSS manager

Conferred regarding:

- Disability Month, Oct. 2019: Planning timeline for DSS/Library programming

- Suggestions for DSS contribution to Library Program Review

- DSS shared Student learning outcomes with SCC librarians

Disability month planning (include library circ manager)


Will ask for feedback from DSS manager on our program review draft as seen from the lens of DSS

Newport Fall 2019 JO

Visited Center to weed collection and discuss resource needs, plus other library services to Center.

Predominant request: staff and faculty desired more current titles in the collection. We agreed on piloting a 25-30 title sub-collection which would rotate quarterly and be populated from the SCC new books collection.

Conducted research assistance training with tutors and tutoring center manager. Updated signage and informational  brochures/bookmarks.

Center manager reported that reserve textbook needs and laptop/hotspot needs were satisfactory. No action required.

No new titles for library were requested.

Weeded about 50 titles which were withdrawn from collection.

Commenced planning of sub-collection pilot.

Newport ongoing JO

In coordination with Center manager, piloting a quarterly, rotating sub-collection of approx. 25 titles (mostly new books) to be housed at Newport.

Several shared docs created:

Newport Sub-Collection: Process

Title list

Student Feedback form

eBooks - Shelf Signs

Executing rotation of sub-collection..

Check-in with Center manager re. status of pilot.

Shared documentation for coordinating processes.

Winter check-outs from sub-collection are estimated: 3 total. (Check-out process is not automated. ALMA data indicates 3.)

No student feedback forms were collected

Manager sent illustrated notification to students to promote sub-collection use.

TLC ongoing JO Coordinating sub-collection service for TLC of faculty professional dev. books, periodicals, and online content.

Rotate collection each quarter.

Research guide collaboration with TLC director.

Fall: Purchased several titles in support of TLC.

Fliers, informational brochures created and placed the Center.

English March 2019 TA/JO Met with Composition director and faculty members to discus refreshing ENGL 101 library session outcomes and lesson plan. Will attend all faculty dept. meeting in April to continue discussions of aligning library outcomes with updated ENGL dept. Student-Learning-Outcomes.
Math 26 April 2019 JO Annual update for Math faculty library services  


Meetings 2017-18

Dept./Division Date Librarian Feedback Actions Taken
DSS 9/26/17 Janine

DSS is interested in partnering with the library to promote library workshops in their office.

SCC library had previously agreed to provide signage directing users to the DSS resource room, but the signs were never acquired. They ask that this signage be posted in the library.

Forwarded repeat request to library administration for directional signs to DSS resource room

Acquired series of ASL videos

Provided library handouts for DSS office

HEQ 10/20/17 Janine Dept. faculty are interested in library assistance with VHS collection conversion Provided resources in support of converting and/or updating educational video collection
Criminal Justice 10/17 Janine New dept. faculty are interested in Reserve books for students

Outreach to new faculty

Notified faculty of new title acquisitions and research guide

Communicated Reserve book procedure with faculty

Counseling 12/1/17 Janine

Counseling annual meeting - F17 Handout

  • Counselors will aid identifying programs in which GUID 102 is not required - ex. Health Sciences and BT 
  • Advise GUID 102 instructors to schedule the library session early  (liaise with GUID 102 coordinator)
  • Review if links to  Canvas GUID 102 library videos can be made publicly available
  • Counselors teaching online will be in touch about arranging embedded librarian in CANVAS and expanding Fall pilot of online library session
  • Librarians will consult with counselors to act to collaborate on developing “credibility" component GUID 102 library session
More concerted outreach to rural center GUID instructors.
Tech Ed (Chairs) 1/16/2018 Janine

no survey results

No feedback

Math 3/8/2018 Janine

Math Liaison W18 - Handout

SCC Library Collection: Types of Resources

Faculty stated that they observe how students find laptop and WiFi equipment loan from library to be a crucial resource.

2 faculty responded to the online survey (see attached results). Note that annual meeting is acknowledged as a useful means of communication. "Keep it up." Also of note, faculty appreciation of library "staff" in addition to information resources.

APLED 121 4/9/2018 Janine Revisit APLED 121 IL outcomes and programming  
CIS 5/3/2018 Janine



(Collection SPA)

3-D scanner

May 2018-

Informed librarians and director that CIS have requested library obtain a scanner which is selected in cooperation with CIS faculty

Library director offered to meet with CIS to discuss use of scanner located at SFCC library
Library of Things Request that LoT items be listed on website Passed request to Linda Keys, Library of Things manager, and copied to library director.
Which software on library computers? Faculty would like to know which version of MS is available on lab computers. Forwarded to CIS chair software list which was generated by IT. (Email 31 May '18) Request for for students

Referral to Spokane public libraries:


- GALE Courses

- MS Imagine Academy (and CCS version)




Fire Sci 5/29/18 Janine

2 new faculty (as of 2017 Fall)

Collection handout (w/VR)

Liaison handout (w/accreditation)


List of requested items processed.

Investigating additional materials from core publishers:

  • NFPA
  • FireEngineering (PennWell, Tulsa)
  • Delmar
  • (NFFF)
Electronics 6/4/18 Janine OER collaboration Full OER presentation and support
HEALTH - PE Fall Janine OER collaboration Full OER presentation and support
[TLC] Year Melinda/Janine Sub-collection collaboration ongoing


Meetings 2015-16

 Department / Division   Date  Librarian Feedback  Actions Taken

Tech Ed Division - Dept Chairs meeting Fall 2016      NAC Update on library services and resources including Primo Multiple departments were represented at this meeting; some of the comments were passed on to another liaison librarian for follow-up

Math 05/20/16 JO
  • Gave update regarding Fall library catalog change.
  • OER project for Summer 2016 recently funded. Check with summer SCC Librarian for OER support.
  • Need to check in with current OER faculty on status of project.
  • Review STATS research video to ensure new library system doesn't impact STATs students in fall.
Counseling Dept. 05/13/16 JO
  • Gave update regarding Fall library catalog change.
  • Colville will  be teaching GUID 102 in Fall; require library instruction
  • Students report that they find GUID 102 (Strategies for Success) library session valuable contribution to their knowledge base.

Online survey results: 3 respondents:

What do you think of current library resources, services, and/or instruction?
- I think everything is great. The faculty and staff are very helpful and knowledgeable and always willing to help.
- Wonderful

How would you rate library services overall?
- Good 100%
- Neutral
- Not good

Other comments:

- Thank you!!!! :)

- Keep doing what you are doing.

Disability Student Services


  • Discussed submitting joint tech.fee request between DSS and Library to acquire assistive technology devices for information sources.
  • DSS expressed continuing interest in accessibility of research resources.
  • We will continue to better record information about accessibility features for library databases.
  • Sent small format (Library services) bookmarks to be used in student orientation.
Communication Studies


  • Meeting feedback: Faculty had questions about loan of equip to faculty; NCA periodical subscriptions, value of research instruction for CMST students
  • No respondents to online survey
  • Have followed up with policy notification on equipment loan for faculty.
  • Investigated NCA periodical access options and presented to interested faculty.
  • Responded to inquiry about benefits of IL instruction for CMST students.

Meetings 2014-15

 Department / Division   Date  Librarian Feedback  Actions Taken
Counseling 12/1/17 JO
  • Counselors will help me identify programs in which GUID 102 is not required - ex. Health Sciences and BT 
  • Janine will advise GUID 102 instructors to schedule the library session early  
    • Janine will liaise with A. Rasmussen to spread the word to all GUID 102 instructors
  • Janine will be aware that Sam in Colville will be in contact to arrange customized library instruction
  • Janine will send links to the GUID 102 library videos we made for online GUID 102
  • Counselors teaching online in Winter will be in touch about arranging embedded librarian in CANVAS
  • Counselors will contact us any time if they have suggestions for items to add to the library collection
  • Janine will ask for 1 or 2 counselors to act as consultants in crafting a “credibility of information” outcome for GUID 102 (and accompanying lesson & assessment). We’ll pilot it in WINTER
  • Janine will coordinate are review and update of the SCC Library career collection and LibGuide update
Add other input here or in any fashion at any time: link to the library’s ANNUAL FACULTY SURVEY: (closes in January)


English 6/1/15 TO (JO)  


Business Spring 5/15/15 JO Faculty were interested in new databases and had suggestions for using Public and County Library databases in conjunction with SCC databases. There is strong interest in having a Avoiding Plagiarism learning object which faculty can assign to students.

I contributed a unit on Avoiding Plagiarism to Canvas Commons for CCS use and sent a message to dept. chair inviting faculty to contribute feedback and\or partner with me in applying and adapting the unit.





Faculty wanted to learn more about how to place books on reserve.

They stated that they were happy with library service provided this year in support of a grant research project.

Sent follow-up email to chair clarifying questions about reserve process.
Social Sciences / Humanities  



     NAC   Will follow up on streaming video options for faculty. They are interested in streaming titles that we currently have as VHS

Meetings 2013-2014

 Department / Division   Date  Librariann Feedback  Actions Taken
Business Technology 3/7/14 TA Department Meeting Notes - Business Technology - 2014

purchased more books on nonprofits

replied to faculty about using Zotero

English 5/30/14 TA Department Meeting Notes - English - 2014

replied to faculty regarding OED app

described procedure for weeding VHS tapes to faculty

Counseling 5/9/2014 JO    Department Meeting Notes - Counselors - 2014

met with GUID101 instructors to explore library resources they can use to augment their instruction; suggested newer videos to replace older editions

updated counselors on how to access reserve list (will remind quarterly)

old careers videos weeded

researched request of reserve textbooks for Running Start students and reported response to counselors

created e-signs for library workshops; forwarded to library admin. the feedback regarding desire for more marketing info.

Engineering/Architectural Technology 4/14/2014 JO Department Meeting Notes - Engineering/Architecture- 2014 

sent quarterly Library Instruction news to All Faculty

Tech Ed Division - Dept Chairs meeting 5/27/2014         NAC   Multiple departments were represent at this meeting; some of the comments were passed on to another liaison librarian for follow-up