In order to develop teaching and learning of IL at the program level, SCC Librarians engage in an annual practice of group assessment of example learning artifacts. This is our internal log of assessments, findings, and ways to improve teaching and learning by faculty librarians in future.
If you wish to learn more or see example assessments, please contact SCC librarians.
- Janine Odlevak, Instructional Services Librarian
In Spring, 2021, faculty ibrarians completed the drafting of Program-level, student learning outcomes for library instruction at SCC.
The library dean and chairs of SCC's Student Learning Assessment Committe were consulted in the creation of these outcomes. The assessment process of the SCC Math department was emulated and adapted, and a rubric was created.
Per agreement with the college Vice President of Instruction, librarians agreed to conduct annual PLO assessment. Each teaching librarian agreed to conduct at least one group assessment each year. A log is kept of anonymized assessment results.