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Business: Articles & Databases

Spokane Business Library

Spokane Business Library

Students and area residents can use a rich source of business and entrepreneurship information using Spokane Business Library. Our area is very lucky to have access to this extensive collection of business research tools. Use them in conjunction with SCC Library resources, and consult with SCC Librarians for research help.

Spokane Business Library





ACCESS FOR SCC STUDENTS:  If you don't have active library card from an area public library, contact the SCC library to get a free access card. This card will allow you to search online to find all types of business information including:

  • Market research
  • Customer demographics
  • Business plans
  • Information about competing businesses 
  • Statistics, and more!

This highly valuable collection of business databases is made available through a collaboration between Spokane Public Library, Spokane County Library District, and Eastern Washington U. 

Library databases

Use Library Databases to research all types of business topics.

Databases provide:

  • Articles from newspapers, magazines, & journals
  • Business case studies, market & company info. 
  • VideosA stack of business books
  • Images
  • ebooks
  • Links to credible websites, and more

Database access: Library databases can only be accessed through the library homepage and you must login if you are off campus. If you have trouble accessing databases or finding information in them, contact a librarian 24/7.

Note about full text: If you find an article citation with no full-text, ask anyone at the SCC library to obtain the article for you. 

Search tips

Databases like ProQuest allow you to do an Advanced Search combining several concepts in one search.

Use these techniques to get better search results:

  • Use quotes to enclose a phrase: "employee motivation"
  • Use truncation to get various forms of similarly spelled words: employ*  (will retrieve: employee or employment or employable, etc.)
  • Combine different concepts using parenthesis and the word AND: (employees AND stress)
  • Combine similar concepts using parenthesis and the word OR: (employees OR workers)

Now, combine several search techniques together like in these examples:

eCommerce  AND   "social media marketing"

motivation    AND     (employees OR workers) 

Company & industry reports: ABI Inform

Use Library Databases, like ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry to get market and industry reports, like those from Business Monitor International (BMI) and Dun & Bradstreet's First Research industry profiles. This database also contains company, country, and commodity reports and numerous articles, newsletters, and other reports.

 To see the full list of research tools, click on the BROWSE link near the top of the ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry page.

Browse Featured Content includes:


Industry and Market Research

  • Business Monitor International (BMI) Industry Reports
  • First Research

Country Reports - Browse reports on business conditions in countries:

  • Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Country Data
  • Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Country Finance & Forecast Reports

Commodity Reports - Browse reports on global commodity trends:

  • Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Industrial Raw Materials
  • Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Food, Feedstuff, and Beverages

Company Reports - Browse reports on specific companies:

  • ProQuest Annual Reports Collection

Topic Paths - Select a topic path to find readings and targeted searches:

  • Business & Industry
  • Computers & Internet
  • Economics & Trade
  • Government & Law
  • Environment
  • Social Issues & Policy

Company & industry reports: ProQuest

ProQuest is a library databases containing articles and other information covering all subjects including business and entrepreneurship.

Librarians can help you do an advanced search to find company profiles (from the publisher Hoover's) and industry profiles (like those from First Research).

Searching First Research industry profiles in ProQuest

Add the following to your search: pub("first research")

If you don't find an industry report you need, ask a librarian for help.