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Math: Statistics

Database tools for researching academic journal articles

Library instructions and suggested tools for MATH& 146 - Freudenthal statistics assignment woman pointing to a graph

To find published research studies (in the form of academic journal articles also called scholarly journal articles) you may use either:

  • library databases which index articles in periodicals
  • or similar journal article indexes which are free on the internet (like Google Scholar, DOAJ, etc.)

 Library databases have some advantages over free internet indexes in that they:

  1. allow complex searching
  2. are organized by subject, date, geographic area, and other categories
  3. have advanced search features which allow you to limit or expand your search results
  4. contain full text articles for the majority of their citations (many of which cost money on the open web)
  5. have citation generators which create pre-formatted citations in a style of your choosing (MLA, APA, etc.)

SCC Library databases & example searches

 Suggested search limits:

  • SOURCE TYPE:   Academic journals
  • GEOGRAPHY:     United States

 Example search:

“childhood obesity” AND activity

 Suggested search limits:

  • SOURCE TYPE:   Scholarly journals
  • GEOGRAPHY:     United States

 Example search:

“binge drinking” AND statistics

 Suggested search limits:

  • SOURCE TYPE:   Academic journals
  • FILTERS: full text

 Example search:

“childhood obesity” AND "junk food"

Open access indexes to articles (on the free internet)

Search techniques to use in library databases

In most databases, you can use the following search techniques to get more relevant search results:

1. Phrase searching

To search for articles which contain a phrase (a string of 2 words or more), enclose the phrase in quotation marks:

  • "elite athletes"
  • "post consumer waste"

2. Wildcards (or Truncation) use this to retrieve word which start with a particular spelling:

statistic* will retrieve articles which contain any word starting witht he spelling s-t-a-t-i-s-t-i-c, like statistic, statistics, statisitical, statistiaclly, etc.

  • statistic*
  • child*
  • wom*n  [will retireve articles containing women and woman]

3. Combining several search terms using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT)

  • texting  AND  driving
  • "bottled water"  AND  statistic*
  • "elite athletes"  AND  "mental imagery"
  • "Columbia River"  AND  salmon
  • "weight loss" and maintenance and (statistics or datasets)
  • immigration  AND  statistics  AND  "United States"

Dataset search engines

Websites which contain datasets

data tabel icon Below is a select list of websites which contain statistical tables and/or raw data which you may wish to use for your statistical analysis.

(If you don't find data on a topic of interest to you, contact your instructor or help or an SCC Librarian. We'll do our best to help you find data on a your chosen topic.)

Other dataset sources including repositories

Since the issuance of the 2013 Office of Science and Technology Policy Memorandum requiring that results of federally funded research (publications and data) be made publicly available, various new repositories of data are currently under development. The tools below may be useful for finding datasets and research studies for your assignment. Some may be difficult to search, so ask a librarian for help if you get stuck.

Citing datasets

Hand holding pen and writing Use the following guides as a model, and ask your instructor, librarians, or tutors for help if you have questions:

Handout for Humphrey's class

About this page

Getting help: This page lists tools you can use to find academic journal articles which lend themselves to statistical analysis. There resources are listed here in response to a specific MATH assignment, so:

  • if you have any questions about the statistics assignment, check with your MATH instructor,
  • but, if you want help finding academic journal articles, you can contact a librarian for help 24/7.

Research help

Questions about research, citation, login, or other?

 Contact a librarian any time!