Full list of Program Review recommendations grouped by ACRL Principles
1. Institutional Effectiveness
- Adopt a 5-year program review cycle for the library in accordance with SCC's program review processes.
- Explore a more sustainable model for collecting, analyzing, using, and sharing library data, assessments, and evaluations with the college community.
- Explore opportunities for communicating the library's value to the college community including ways to interface with new personnel during HR on-boarding.
- Explore expanding library outreach to programs which undergo specialized accreditation and with whom we've not had strong partnerships.
- In order to provide opportunities for conversations about library services, resources, and instruction, explore ways to better support the consideration of library services for college programs who are undertaking their regular review. *
- Consider framing library services according to SCC's college-wide, student learning outcomes, as well as our college's mission, values, and themes.
- Purchase a gate counter device to track the number of patrons the library serves.
2. Professional Values
- As opportunities to edit the library website arise, consider making additions which make evident the library's mission and core values and those of the profession of librarianship.
3. Educational Role
- Maintain current teaching partnerships and other cross-sector relationships which are strong, and improve instructional outreach to departments with whom our connection is weak.
- Seek a balance between librarian workload and our capacity to provide excellent service to the college.
4. Discovery
- Assess the library discovery system and library website from both the operational and user-experience perspectives.
- To address inconsistencies, accessibility issues, and general functionality of the discovery system, fill the vacant cataloger position.
- Maintain the 150 hours per quarter adjunct faculty contract in order to provide adequate coverage for Reference Desk service.
- Revise the Reference Desk statistics form to better meet the information needs of SCC and other reporting bodies.
- Manage the migration of the QuestionPoint 24/7 chat service to the new Springshare platform.
- Consider a sustainable approach to maintenance of library research guides.
5. Collections
- Create a system of planned spending that incorporates transparent budgetary policies/procedures with collection development planning process as outlined in section 5.1.
- Create a transparent system of purchasing and budgeting with up-to-date information that librarians and administrators can access at-will for planning and decision-making.
- Continue to maintain and develop a shared collection with SFCC Library.
- In light of Gonzaga library’s plan to leave our Washington Idaho Network, investigate alternative resource sharing consortia in order to ensure that critical library functions are provided for.
- Restore the former tenure-track faculty librarian position and grant a faculty librarian the authority to conduct collection management and development.
- Fill the vacant cataloger staff position to provide missing support for discovery and delivery of information resources to students and other patrons.
- Revisit staffing levels and responsibilities for collection development and cataloging personnel to ensure best practices in accordance with professional standards.
- Provide ongoing ALMA/PRIMO training and support for collection librarian and cataloger.
- Consider options for providing adequate security for materials in the library collection.
6. Space
- Create an enclosed work area in the library where students can make audio or video recordings.
- Replace old, uncomfortable furniture, especially chairs. Take any opportunities to obtain modular furniture which supports collaborative learning.
- Explore options for creating additional study rooms in the library.
- Create signage to direct students to the ADA study room.
- Consider ways to maintain updates and create customized library content for electronic signs in the library and on the college campuses.
- Reassess library space utilization for the Spokane campus library, as well as the Colville Center.
- Make the Reference Desk wheelchair accessible.
- Consider investigating infrastructure needs for additions and upgrades to the wireless and electrical configuration.
7. Management
- Develop a system where transparent and timely budget information is available at-will for planning and decision-making.
- Streamline digital subscriptions to coincide with the budget timeline for more effective planning.
- Where the current budget is insufficient, identify and procure external funding for projects and resources.
- Engage in strategic planning which is aligned with the college's needs and which meaningfully informs student-centered library services.
8. Personnel
- Restore daytime library circulation staff to an adequate number to provide needed services to students and other patrons.
- Filling the vacant cataloger position is a priority. We also suggest revisiting the staffing level and responsibilities of this position in light of the recent library reorganization and current professional standards.
- Restore the tenure-track librarian position.
- Amount of adjunct librarian hours should remain unchanged.
- All library personnel should be supported in attending professional development events at local, state, and national levels.
9. External Relationships
- Create a plan to disseminate and discuss library impact across the college and beyond and market library services and resources to the college community.
* Requires collaboration with VP of Instruction