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SCC Library, 5-Year Program Review: 2014-2019

Written by SCC Library faculty; submitted July 2019 to the SCC Library Dean and VP of Instruction

Program-level, student learning outcomes, assessment

After completing our review, the report was reviewed the VPI, Jenni Martin, who gave us feedback including a directive that the library faculty conduct program-level, SLO assessment. 


The notes from the library dean, Jaclyn Jacot, are copied here. They are from an email dated 2/21/2021. There was follow-up discussion and email to clarify what Jenni intended. The clarifications are not shown here. Ask Janine or another librarian if interested.

Summary from Jaclyn of Jenni’s directive: 

In response of our Program Review, Action Item:  We will “develop global, program learning outcomes.” 

What Jenni would like to see: 

  • 3 – 5, very broad learning outcomes that you can say every student that went through a library workshop could walk away with. Example: If we have a single workshop with a student, the outcome might state: 

“Student was introduced to:   x, y, z ... 

JO input approved by JJ: 

  • It is acceptable that we may include 1-2 outcomes in a single session 
  • It’s fine to plan to scaffold our “global outcomes” up through progressively more advanced courses
  • Outcomes are assessed in some way

Documentation of PLO assessment work after directive:

PLO data from Instruction Stats log

In addition to log of annual PLO by individual librarians, the PLOs are tracked on the instruction statistics log (Information Services to Groups), although not all librarians log their outcomes on this form. 

Support for individual program review, annual

Library began providing this support in Fall 2022 per agreement with VPI (Martin).


Program Review – Library Section:  

At the beginning of fall quarter, the library will send each program that is going through the program review process:   

  • Information about current physical and digital library resources, including collection age and usage data    

  • Information about new resources for possible acquisition  


During late fall or winter quarter, program faculty will meet with a librarian to discuss the collection, library services, and information literacy instruction. This meeting will be used to answer the following questions in the program review document:  

  • Do library resources and services meet program needs?   

  • What resources should be removed from the library collection?   

  • What additional library resources are needed to support students and faculty?     

  • What information literacy instruction exists within the program? Are there opportunities for library partnerships or support?   

Also: See the portion of the program review template (Instructional) which addresses Library services. Excerpt, page 6:

  1. Describe any unmet professional development needs among faculty, and outline plans to address those needs.
  1. What additional programming through the TLC (Teaching and Learning Center) would help your department/program support prospective and current students?

  1. What additional assistance from enrollment & onboarding advisors/counseling services would help your department/program support prospective and current students?
  1. What additional tutoring services would help your department/program support prospective and current students?

  1. What additional library services would help your department/program support prospective and current students?

  1. Do library resources and services meet program needs?

  1. What resources should be removed from the library collection?

  1. What additional library resources are needed to support students and faculty?    
  1. What information literacy instruction exists within the program? Are there opportunities for library partnerships or support?

  1. What additional IT services or technology support would help your department/program support prospective and current students?

  1. What additional instructional support services are needed?