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Information Literacy: Student Learning Outcomes

SCC Library Services IL SLOs

APLED 121 (Applied Written Communication): IL Outcomes

The SCC Library and APLED 121 faculty partner each quarter to teach information literacy skills to professional/technical students in the Applied Written Communication course (APLED 121). In conjunction with APLED 121 faculty, SCC Library faculty have jointly created the following Information Literacy student learning outcomes:

  • Students will become familiar with trade and professional periodicals in their field.
  • Students will use library databases and other resources appropriate for discovering and finding periodical and other information relevant to their professional information needs.
  • Students will identify the library as a place where they can get help finding needed information for professional or lifelong learning information needs.

[Objectives correspond to the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, 1.1-1.4; 2.1-2.4]