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SCC Library Instruction News: 2023 Summer

Quarterly news featuring library resources and services that support teaching & learning

Summer instruction librarians available

New structure this summer

With the retirement of our treasured librarian, Tim Aman, Janine and Linda will split the summer instruction/reference desk staffing.

To schedule or discuss instruction, or with any questions, please reach out to any librarian or use 24/7 Help.

Janine Odlevak is on-board July 320

Linda Keys, from July 24Aug 17

Information Literacy instruction

SCC librarians are happy to partner with you to support students' development of critical thinking and lifelong learning enabling navigation of the information landscape. You may contact the liaison librarian to your discipline or department, or a summer librarian.

Climate Justice

Upon having the privilege of joining the recent Climate Justice learning community, I'm eager to share resources (books/ebooks, films, websites) which participant faculty recommend. For more information about any title below, reach out to Climate Justice LC leaders, David Prins and Angela Rasmussen, or to SCC librarians.  -̶ Janine, SCC Library

Faculty in SCC's Climate Justice learning community recommend:

Books & ebooks in the TLC (duplicates may be in the library)

The Teaching & Learning Center has a copy of each title, and the library may have duplicate print and/or ebook copies as indicated.

Multimedia, Actions, & Solutions: Drawdown & Regeneration



Kanopy films through Spokane Public Library

Open Educational Resources (OER)

Climate Justice learning community & TLC faculty are great resources for discussing development of your courses. In addition, there are Open Educational Resources available from a variety of creators.